Michael Crane

If you have the Will and the What*, I can help you with the How.

Find out more!

8 + 15 =

Do you want to go the quick way round, it took me  20 years so you don’t have to.

When I first started out in business, more than 20 years ago, I was determined to be successful. I had specific goals, including the type of lifestyle I wanted, and I was prepared to put in whatever work was needed. I had the WILL to succeed.

You’re here because you also have the WILL to succeed. You have a goal and you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in.

I also had the WHAT – a fledgling business with potential. I was confident that there was enough demand for me to be able to build a successful business. Do you have your what? If you’ve already got a business, or at least a clear idea of what you want to do, that’s a great position to be in. If you’re not sure about your business at the moment, I can help you with that too.

What I was missing back then was the HOW. I had no roadmap, no mentor, no role model. I had determination, and literally went knocking on doors with a catalogue under my arm. I got my first sale, and that encouraged me to keep going. Step by step I built my business, and now, more than twenty years later, it’s still thriving in spite of economic downturns, shifting patterns of business, Covid-19, Brexit, technological innovation and anything else the world wants to throw in my path.  

What I wanted when I started was a ‘How-to’ manual, but I couldn’t find one. I found some ‘business gurus’ and read everything I could lay my hands on. Unfortunately, not everything was helpful. Some of it was written in such general, vague terms that it was hard to apply. Some ‘words of wisdom’ from one leading expert flatly contradicted what the previous one had said. But I persevered. That will to succeed kept me going.  

And the same will be true for you. If you have that same determination, you won’t let anything stop you.  

Along the way I made plenty of mistakes. I took wrong turnings. I learnt lessons the hard way. I became more knowledgeable and learnt how to increase my success. I saw beyond my initial vision and expanded my horizons. I’ve achieved more than I thought possible twenty years ago. 


Ride on my coat tails, find the easier way, go the short way round, so it doesn’t take you 20yrs

Now, I want to help others. I want to reach out to people like you, someone with the Will to succeed and the What of the business, but who doesn’t yet have the How. You can be more successful in less time if you don’t have to learn it all the hard way. You don’t have to spend 20 years going the long way round. You can take a quicker, more direct route to success, and I can help you to do that.

I’ve put together a number of resources to help you, and you’ll find more details on the pages of this site.


Your Title Goes Here


Your Title Goes Here


Your Title Goes Here

He is passionate about helping People.

“During my leadership journey, I have met some great people, and Michael stands above all. Michael helped me to understand how to manage expectations while delivering goals and understand the broader picture and encouraging me. His collaborative, open, honest and engaging leadership style allowed many people to stand up and stand out to make a difference”

Harun Dagli | Hilton Hotels Corporate Manager

Start by listening to the business conversations of fellow entrepreneurs on the MC.live podcast.

There are so many stories to inspire you, practical information to guide you, and ideas to get you thinking. Each week is a fresh perspective from another businessperson. Someone who was once where you are, just starting out, looking for the right information.

There’s a collection of useful tools that to help with your business tasks, and handy hints to help you build your customer base or profit margin, all brought together on my “Handy Hacks” page (link).

Maybe you’re already a little further down the line. You’ve already accomplished your first set of business goals and are ready to take the leap to the next level. Our exclusive retreats are designed specifically to help you do that as easily and quickly as possible. (link) 

Number #1 Top Tip You Should Consider

He doesn’t consider himself a top guru or more talented than the next person, so, everything he has achieved in life has come down to a number of things. You have it too, that is.

*And if you don’t yet have the What, I can help you with that too.